Monday, May 29, 2023

Interview: Caribbean Museum Center for the Arts

This is an interesting interview for many reasons. I talk about my journey to becoming an artist, what excites me about my practice and about the work in the show "Masterclass" at the Caribbean Museum Center for the Arts in St. Croix that ran in March 2023. The interview has some wonderful detail shots of my work in the show, Storm (how to imagine the tropicalia as monumental-as in a lament). 

I don't often talk about career lows. To be honest I didn't even like being asked that question and kept trying to reframe it. I'm sensitive to ways that artists and Black women are put in positions to perform struggle.  I knew the interviewer that was hired by the musuem quite well as we worked on my TV show Artist See Artist Do together, so I felt pretty comfortable pushing back on the some of the questions that were asked. In the end, and perhaps because of our rapport, I answered the question with the vulnerability it inspired even though at first I rejected it. 

La Vaughn Belle: A Haunting Between Us